problem with URP

I’m using Mars 1.0.2 version and URP.
I made all like in this post 1.0.2 Patch Release - URP fixes and more
But i have a problem with materials.
After upgrade material in project to urp all good, but when i save (Ctrl + S) i have pink objects.
This object with SimulatePlaneMaterial and they not in project folder but in Packages → Mars → Runtime → Materials
As i understand it’s become pink becouse i can’t write in package folder.
But Windows → Mars → Import Content don’t copy it in my project asset folder

Hi @noobusdeer , have you tried Edit → Render Pipeline → Universal Render Pipelin → Upgrade Project Material To UniversalRP Materials. Even though packages are locked this seems to update materials in packages as well.
Keep in mind this will be a local change and anytime you update a package the materials in that package.
Also, we are working on a new version of Unity MARS that has improved URP support for the next release.

I tested on 2020.1 and as i understand mars supported 2019.3 on 2019 works well

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Hello! I tried it , and this is the message I get
material was not upgraded. There’s no upgrader to convert Shader Graphs/New Shader Graph shader to selected pipeline

After upgrading to URP everything is pink, incl the sky. And when I create a new material, it comes out pink