Problem with UV data after import Blender made FBX

I am currently on Unity Essential Tutorial. I created kind of textures with help of Blender 3D (and Google Gemini AI-engine) for imported from Unity meshes.

And then exported all in FBX file, imported it in Unity, exported Materials, again added texture to floor material and that what I have got…

Something obviously wrong, tried export-import many times, I tried different settings but nothing helps. Any ideas where I should look? Thanks.

The problem solved. The UV-mapping exported correct to Unity, what I only need is to properly assigned textures again to exported materials, but I failed and used other file of the texture, this called illusion of distortion of UV-things.

  1. Export FBX from Blender 3D

  2. Drag-and-drop to Unity ‘assets’ windows

  3. Press “Export Materials” in the Inspector window

  4. Properly assign textures, the UV-mapping preserved in materials from Blander 3D