I’m trying to get a text file from an assetbundle and put it in a string variable.
I am successfully able to load the assetbundle and take a texture from the bundle and apply it to an object, but something is wrong with my code for grabbing a txt file hat1_info.txt and trying to put it into a TextAsset. I don’t get any errors except the textasset is null.
function downloadAssetBundle(){
var urlEditor = "file:///Users/dan/Desktop/hat1bundle.unity3d";
var hat:GameObject;
var bundle:AssetBundle;
// Start a download of the given URL
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor){
var www:WWW = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload (urlEditor, 1);
yield www;
bundle = www.assetBundle;
function makeitso(bundle:AssetBundle){
Debug.Log("making it so");
//this works GameObject.Find("Sphere").renderer.material.mainTexture=bundle.Load("hat1_texture",Texture);
//this does not work gives back null
var txt:TextAsset = bundle.Load("hat1_info", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
Debug.Log(txt); //gives back null
var s=txt.text;