Problems installing AI Navigation on UNity 2022.3.52f1

Greetings: I am following the tutorial for the Explorer Project, 3D Game Kit. In the quick start guide when I bring the Chomper enemy into the scene and press Play and Ellen approaches, this warning message appears:

Preformatted textFailed to create agent because there is no valid NavMeshPreformatted text

If I approach to attack the enemy this error appears:

Preformatted text"SetDestination" can only be called on an active agent that has been placed on a NavMesh.

UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent:SetDestination (UnityEngine.Vector3)

Gamekit3D.EnemyController:SetTarget (UnityEngine.Vector3) (at Assets/3DGamekit/Scripts/Game/Enemies/EnemyController.cs:161)

Gamekit3D.ChomperBehavior:WalkBackToBase () (at Assets/3DGamekit/Scripts/Game/Enemies/Chomper/ChomperBehavior.cs:200)

Gamekit3D.ChomperSMBReturn:OnSLStateEnter (UnityEngine.Animator,UnityEngine.AnimatorStateInfo,int) (at Assets/3DGamekit/Scripts/Game/Enemies/Chomper/ChomperSMBReturn.cs:11)

Gamekit3D.SceneLinkedSMB1<Gamekit3D.ChomperBehavior>:OnStateEnter (UnityEngine.Animator,UnityEngine.AnimatorStateInfo,int,UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable) (at Assets/3DGamekit/Scripts/Game/Core/SceneLinkedSMB.cs:34)Preformatted text`

I have version 2022.3.52f1, I have installed AI Navigation, but the errors are increasing.
Can you please help me, I am a learner. Thank you very much.

Did you remember to bake your navmesh?

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Thank you very much Murgilod for answering.
I have already found the solution and it turns out that when enemies are brought into the scene you only have to make the changes suggested by the guide but you should not press Play yet, you should continue with the guide that tells us:
We need to tell Chomper where he can move on the ground, we do this by adding a NavMesh Surface.
● In the Hierarchy click on the Plane
When we do this part now, click Play and everything will work.