Greetings: I am following the tutorial for the Explorer Project, 3D Game Kit. In the quick start guide when I bring the Chomper enemy into the scene and press Play and Ellen approaches, this warning message appears:
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Failed to create agent because there is no valid NavMeshPreformatted text
If I approach to attack the enemy this error appears:
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"SetDestination" can only be called on an active agent that has been placed on a NavMesh.
UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent:SetDestination (UnityEngine.Vector3)
Gamekit3D.EnemyController:SetTarget (UnityEngine.Vector3) (at Assets/3DGamekit/Scripts/Game/Enemies/EnemyController.cs:161)
Gamekit3D.ChomperBehavior:WalkBackToBase () (at Assets/3DGamekit/Scripts/Game/Enemies/Chomper/ChomperBehavior.cs:200)
Gamekit3D.ChomperSMBReturn:OnSLStateEnter (UnityEngine.Animator,UnityEngine.AnimatorStateInfo,int) (at Assets/3DGamekit/Scripts/Game/Enemies/Chomper/ChomperSMBReturn.cs:11)
Gamekit3D.SceneLinkedSMB1<Gamekit3D.ChomperBehavior>:OnStateEnter (UnityEngine.Animator,UnityEngine.AnimatorStateInfo,int,UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable) (at Assets/3DGamekit/Scripts/Game/Core/SceneLinkedSMB.cs:34)
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I have version 2022.3.52f1, I have installed AI Navigation, but the errors are increasing.
Can you please help me, I am a learner. Thank you very much.