Im not getting anywhere with baking my large terrain, it has over a million trees and beast dosnt seem to like this. ( its a big terrain)
Im thinking im running out of memmory at some point ( the status only gets to the “building ads structure” part)
Im running 12 gigs of ram and it dosnt get close to that. I do see the crash when unity reaches 4 gigs.
Light map size dosnt help, wont bake at 0, wont bake at 4096.
I have tried everything i can think of, so i had the idea of doing a “external” bake. now i dont mean baking in maya, as i cant export terrain with trees, so is there a way to launch the Beast lightmapper thought script or something so unity dosnt have to be open to bake?
Anyother work around for this would be amazing
12 gb are of no use, Unity is 32bit.
The million tree shouldn’t impact it as each of them will fill 1-2 pixels of the lightmap (don’t forget it gets stretched over the whole terrain), with this kind of detail expectation you better don’t missassume that you will get ANY shadow detail on the lightmap anymore. thats a job for realtime shadows in Unity pro
I have pro and realtime shadows are all good but this is more of an “orbit view” so i need it to bake. I guess the only option i see at this point is to break it up into smaller chunks. as for the resalution issue, i will deal with that once i get it to that stage, getting it to that stage is the problem.
Is this a bug?? or has anyone been able to bake large terrains with lots (million) trees? Iv been having trouble baking trees since day one, i am working on a large scale but i feel like it should still work.
i even went so far as to remove EVERYTHING from the scene but the light and terrain, i even flattened it ( removed heightmap) and still nothing but crash?