Problems Loading External DLLs

Hi all, I’m trying to add Microsoft’s speech recognition service to my project ( When I run the game though I get a DllNotFoundException at the point the program tries to load the native dll. The dlls I’m using are from NuGet Gallery | Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech 1.38.0

There is one managed dll and two native dlls in the library. If I add the directory the native dlls are in to my PATH environment variable then they load. Similarly if I make a build and put the native dlls next to the .exe then they load. However if I just add the dlls to my Unity project like usual I get the DllNotFoundException as the managed dll tries to load the first native dll.

Has anyone used dlls which are indirectly loaded like this? Any advice or workarounds?

Are you putting them in the Plugins folder? That’s where Unity expects DLLs to be.