Hi all, I’m trying to add Microsoft’s speech recognition service to my project (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/cognitive-services/speech-to-text/). When I run the game though I get a DllNotFoundException at the point the program tries to load the native dll. The dlls I’m using are from NuGet Gallery | Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech 1.38.0
There is one managed dll and two native dlls in the library. If I add the directory the native dlls are in to my PATH environment variable then they load. Similarly if I make a build and put the native dlls next to the .exe then they load. However if I just add the dlls to my Unity project like usual I get the DllNotFoundException as the managed dll tries to load the first native dll.
Has anyone used dlls which are indirectly loaded like this? Any advice or workarounds?