Problems with acuracy

Soo i have been trying to mess around with the raycast to make it not shoot in the same place no matter how many times you shoot and soo far no sucess (the recoil of the bullet), i have looked several ways to do it but no far none have worked , some help in this problem would be nice
here s the code firing class:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Weapon : MonoBehaviour {

private Animator anim;

public int bulletsPerMag = 30;//balas por carregador
public int bulletsLeft = 200;//total de balas qe temos

public int currentBullets;//numero de balas qe temos no carregador

public enum ShootMode
public ShootMode shootingMode;

public float FireRate = 0.1f;//tempo por cada bala
public float range = 100f;
public Transform shootPoint;
float Firetimer;

private AudioSource audioSource;
public AudioClip shootSound;

private bool IsReloading;
private bool shootInput;
private bool IsAiming;

public ParticleSystem muzzflash;

public GameObject hitParticles;
public GameObject bulletsImpact;

public float damage = 20f;

private Vector3 orignalPosition;
public Vector3 aimPosition;
public float adsSpeed = 8f;

public Image Crosshair;
[Tooltip("Set the UI Text for the ammo left")]
public Text ammoLeftText;

public float spreadFactor = 0.02f;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
    anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
    currentBullets = bulletsPerMag;
    audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
    orignalPosition = transform.localPosition;

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {

        case ShootMode.Auto:
            shootInput = Input.GetButton("Fire1");

        case ShootMode.Semi:
            shootInput = Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1");

        if (currentBullets > 0)

        else if (bulletsLeft>0)

    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R))
        if(currentBullets <bulletsPerMag && bulletsLeft>0)


    if (Firetimer < FireRate)
        Firetimer += Time.deltaTime;//adiciona no timecounter

    ammoLeftText.text = (currentBullets + "/" + bulletsLeft.ToString());

private void Fire()

    if (Firetimer < FireRate || currentBullets<=0 || IsReloading) return;
    // Debug.Log("Firedddddd");
    RaycastHit hit;
    if (Physics.Raycast(shootPoint.position, shootPoint.transform.forward , out hit, range))

        Debug.Log( + " found!");
        //  da spam da hit particula e do impacto da posicao da bala
        GameObject hitParticlesEffect = Instantiate(hitParticles, hit.point, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hit.normal));
       // hitParticlesEffect.transform.SetParent(hit.transform);
        //da spam to buraco da bala no impacto da posicao da bala
        GameObject bulletHole = Instantiate(bulletsImpact, hit.point, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, hit.normal));

        Destroy(hitParticlesEffect, 1f);
        Destroy(bulletHole, 2f);

        if (hit.transform.GetComponent<HealthController>())


    anim.CrossFadeInFixedTime("Fire",  0.01f);//play the fire animator
    //anim.SetBool("Fire", true);

    Firetimer = 0.0f;//reset fireTimer
 void FixedUpdate()
    AnimatorStateInfo info = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0);

    IsReloading = info.IsName("Reload");
    anim.SetBool("Aim", IsAiming);

    /* if(info.IsName("Fire"))
         anim.SetBool("Fire", false);

private void DoReload()
    AnimatorStateInfo info = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0);
    if (IsReloading) return;
    anim.CrossFadeInFixedTime("Reload", 0.01f);//play reload animation

public void Reload()
    if (bulletsLeft <= 0)
    int bulletsToLoad = bulletsPerMag - currentBullets;

    //                           if                    then    first    else   second        
    int bulletsToDeduct = (bulletsLeft >= bulletsToLoad) ? bulletsToLoad : bulletsLeft;

    bulletsLeft -= bulletsToDeduct;
    currentBullets += bulletsToDeduct;

private void PlayShootSound()
    //audioSource.clip = shootSound;

private void AimDownSights()
    if (IsReloading) //Aiming stops when reload
        IsAiming = false;
        if (Input.GetButton("Fire2"))
            transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(transform.localPosition, aimPosition, Time.deltaTime * adsSpeed);
            IsAiming = true;
            Crosshair.enabled = false; //Enable Crosshair
            transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(transform.localPosition, orignalPosition, Time.deltaTime * adsSpeed);
            IsAiming = false;
            Crosshair.enabled = true; //Disable Crosshair


some comments are in portuguese but you should be able to understand the code