Problems with Audio Sources

I recently decided to try to create a class which is (essentially) a song manager which would ideally allow me to create and manipulate songs to be different between each “loop” or change the song through the use of various triggers. Unfortunately, I ran into a bit of a snag – the audio source components I attached to base object do not want to play.

I’ll go step by step through the code:

	public AudioSource[] trackArray = new AudioSource[4];
	public float[] trackVolumeArray = new float[4];
	public float allTrackVolumeScale = 100.0f;
	public bool bClampValues = true;
	private int totalIndexOfVolumeArray;
	private int totalIndexOfTracksArray;

Nothing special here, I then initialize the variables in the Start():

void Start () 
		int trackArrayIndex = 0;
		int volumeArrayIndex = 0;
		// Initialize the Audio Source files..
		foreach( AudioSource track in trackArray )
			trackArray[trackArrayIndex] = gameObject.AddComponent ("AudioSource") as AudioSource;
			track.volume = 1f;
			track.enabled = true;
		// Initialize the Volume Settings..
		foreach( float trackVolume in trackVolumeArray )
			trackVolumeArray[volumeArrayIndex] = 100f;
		totalIndexOfTracksArray = trackArrayIndex;
		totalIndexOfVolumeArray = volumeArrayIndex;

Side Note: Earlier I tried to set each float by referring to it as “trackVolume” to no success, since you cannot redefine it. Is it wrong to use a foreach and not actually use each component your referencing?

Lastly, in the update function, I call a “check playing” function, which for testing purposes I had to change to try to be more direct with no results. The ideal way of doing this would probably be another “foreach”.

	private void CheckPlaying()
		if( trackArray[0].isPlaying != true )
		if( trackArray[1].isPlaying != true )

I should also tell you that the AudioSource array has inputs in the inspector, and all I did from there is reference a audiosource that exists in the scene and is a child of the SongManager game object. Obviously, those AudioSources have an AudioClip attatched to them.

Is there any reason why this wouldn’t be working?

what types of error messages do you get in the console?
What do you see happening in the editor?

I am betting that you don´t see several audisources added to the gameobject;
Unity wont let you add the same component twice to the same gameobject.
the line:
“trackArray[trackArrayIndex] = gameObject.AddComponent (“AudioSource”) as AudioSource;”
wont work.

(workaround is the create child gameobjects and add the component to them instead, one per child)