Problems with button interaction running full screen on widescreen monitor


We discovered that if our project is running full screen on a widescreen monitor the UI will look correct but the buttons will react as if the screen was 4:3. In other words, if you put the mouse over a button it won’t react but if you move the mouse towards the center of the screen when it gets to the point the button would be if it wasn’t widescreen the button will switch to its highlighted state and you can interact with it.

Has anyone run into this before and know how to get them to match up correctly in widescreen? Currently using Unity 4.6.6 with the Unity UI.



I had one of our guys on another project run it with the latest version of 5 and the problem still exists.


Are you using custom scripts to process your mouse cursor or Unity’s default mouse handling only? In my current projects, the buttons work as expected on a wide Fullscreen. (Currently 5.2, but they also worked in 5.1 before upgrading)

Just Unity’s default mouse handling. Thanks for letting me know it’s working OK for you. Hopefully it’s just something simple on our side.