Hello Developers,
I’m having trouble creating a simple direct join connection using Lobby (and Relay).
With the function CreateLobby(), I can create a Lobby and show it with a UI-Text.
With the function FindLobby(), I can find and quickjoin to an open Lobby.
Now I want to directly join a Lobby using an InputField and the JoinLobby()-Function but the error states:
[Lobby]: LobbyNotFound, (16001). Message: lobby not found
UnityEngine.Logger:LogError (string,object)
I try to manually put the ID in the InputField and even Debug.Log the InputField to make sure it is the same ID but it just won’t connect. And when I quickjoin, it does work. Here is the code:
public async void CreateLobby()
Debug.Log("Creating a new lobby...");
// External connections
int maxConnections = 1;
Allocation allocation = await Relay.Instance.CreateAllocationAsync(maxConnections);
_hostData = new RelayHostData
Key = allocation.Key,
Port = (ushort)allocation.RelayServer.Port,
AllocationID = allocation.AllocationId,
AllocationIDBytes = allocation.AllocationIdBytes,
ConnectionData = allocation.ConnectionData,
IPv4Address = allocation.RelayServer.IpV4
// Retrieve JoinCode
_hostData.JoinCode = await Relay.Instance.GetJoinCodeAsync(allocation.AllocationId);
string lobbyName = "game_lobby";
int maxPlayers = 10;
CreateLobbyOptions options = new CreateLobbyOptions();
options.IsPrivate = false;
// Put the JoinCode in the lobby data, visible by every member
options.Data = new Dictionary<string, DataObject>()
"joinCode", new DataObject(
visibility: DataObject.VisibilityOptions.Member,
value: _hostData.JoinCode)
// Create the lobby
Lobby lobby = await LobbyService.Instance.CreateLobbyAsync(lobbyName, maxPlayers, options);
// Show the LobbyID in UI
Debug.Log("Created lobby: " + lobby.Id);
// Heartbeat the lobby every 15 seconds.
stopheartbeat = false;
if(stopheartbeat == false) {
StartCoroutine(HeartbeatLobbyCoroutine(lobby.Id, 15));
if(stopheartbeat == true) {
StopCoroutine(HeartbeatLobbyCoroutine(lobby.Id, 15));
catch (LobbyServiceException e)
public async void FindLobby()
Debug.Log("Looking for a lobby...");
QuickJoinLobbyOptions options = new QuickJoinLobbyOptions();
Lobby lobby = await LobbyService.Instance.QuickJoinLobbyAsync(options);
Debug.Log("Joined lobby: " + lobby.Id);
Debug.Log("Lobby Players: " + lobby.Players.Count);
string joinCode = lobby.Data["joinCode"].Value;
Debug.Log("Received code: " + joinCode);
JoinAllocation allocation = await Relay.Instance.JoinAllocationAsync(joinCode);
_joinData = new RelayJoinData
Key = allocation.Key,
Port = (ushort)allocation.RelayServer.Port,
AllocationID = allocation.AllocationId,
AllocationIDBytes = allocation.AllocationIdBytes,
ConnectionData = allocation.ConnectionData,
HostConnectionData = allocation.HostConnectionData,
IPv4Address = allocation.RelayServer.IpV4
catch (LobbyServiceException e)
Debug.Log("Cannot find a lobby: " + e);
public async void JoinLobby()
JoinLobbyByIdOptions options = new JoinLobbyByIdOptions();
Lobby lobby = await LobbyService.Instance.JoinLobbyByIdAsync(joinCodeInputFieldText.GetComponent<TMPro.TMP_Text>().text, options);
//...nothing changes from here with FindLobby() after QuickJoinAsync()