So I have 2 problems :
1 - I have a 2 rooms in my scene one is completely closed and the oher next to it has no roof.
In the closed room I have a spotlight pointing to the other room and this is what I get
Light is going through the wall. Like you can see on the right I’m using only RealTime Global Illumination.
2 - If I deactivate it and use Baked GI only a really strange problem appears it Bakes lighting for my spotlight if it set to Baked but also when it is set to realtime.
And If I active Realtime GI and Baked GI at the same time the first problem appears
So here are my questions :
Is there a way to solve the problem of the light passing trough the wall ?
Has someone an explanation to the second problem ?
EDIT : All the walls and floor are set to static and can cast and receive shadows, also the spotlight is set to cast soft shadows