I have some trouble in getting good looking hair in HDRP; The issue is as soon as I turn MSAA on, I get weird shadow artifacts all over on transparent materials (independent of shader used), seems the depth is not displayed correctly; also, both Alpha Prepass Threshold and Postpass don’t work anymore. If I switch off MSAA, prepass works correctly (postpass still does not do anything). Not sure what I am doing wrong, and I have not found an alternative yet to MSAA which works acceptable in VR. Any help would be much appreciated!
@SebLagarde Any insights on this ? After more experimenting, it seems that “just” alpha prepass is not working with MSAA enabled; If I switch it off, all good. Seems like a bug to me?
It’s happening with every (hair) mesh, and with every shader which supports alpha prepass (lit.shader or Hair shader master node). I cannot share the assets, as they are licensed ones.
But should be simple to reproduce: basically, when MSAA switched on, the alpha prepass slider does nothing.
Hey @Qleenie , both Alpha Prepass Threshold and Postpass should work correctly testing on HDRP version 10.3.1 with MSAA enabled. However, I was unable to reproduce the shadow artifacts you show in your picture. Do you still encounter this in latest 2020.2?
Hey, I am on 2019 LTS + HDRP 7.5.3, and also switched to deferred rendering because of issues and performance. Will switch to 2020 only when 2020 LTS will be available, as migration will be a bit of effort with changes to VR / SteamVR.