Problems with installation of Unity

Hi guys,

I am kinda new here, however I do have some IT background. I was tryign to install Unity on my laptop, it should meet minimum requirements as far as I know.

My problem is that I cannot complete the installation process, after downloading the files (which takes hours), there is some problem that you can see on the screenshot in attachment.

What should I do? Rebooting my computer didn’t help, downloading and installing windows updates didn’t help too.

I would appreciate any guidance here.

I am using win10 64bit

6191310--678921--2020-08-11 13_09_14-Window.png

@cholou92 ,
Is this your personal computer or company computer? If it’s a company computer, make sure you have permission to download this. Did you download the correct version for your Win 10? If yes, you might need to re-download everything again. In rare cases, it could be some one-time file corruption.

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Thanks for your reply. It is my personal computer, so I am pretty sure that I have a permission :stuck_out_tongue: So far re-download was not helpful, but I am doing my best to find out what’s the root cause and how to fix it.

@cholou92 ,
If you are using Win 10, you might need to first uninstall everything. After that, delete all traces of the folders in all areas of your C:. This includes the hidden appdata and any other areas you can find. This means you need to use only windows explorer.

Only then should you re-download and try again. Human logic knows the difference between the existing and a new download. The computer might not know the difference. If it still refuses to work, put a reply and i’ll see what i can do to help.