Problems with Intellisense,Intellisense for Unity specific components etc.


I started to create a game using Unity and Visual Studio Code. I have downloaded some extensions so that Intellisense may suggest methods and parts relevant for Unity. However, I noticed a thing. Lets say that I would want to change the position of my character. In VSC I believe that I got the methods “GetComponent” and “Transform” in my tool box, but they will not show up as Intellisense proposals. Neither when I use “GetComponent()” will it show what components I have access to. Why do I have this error? This badly brakes my game development and I would appreciate any answer that would help me!

Thanks in advance! Johan

I can not help you with your Visual Studio Code issue, but i highly recommend you try JetBrains Rider IDE. It’s intellisense is the best you will get for any C# development and you can try it 30 days for free.
After that you will gladly trrow money at them to keep using it.

Hi there, did u solve your issue?

One thing that worked for me with VSCode is to go to Edit → Preferences → External Tools and to click “regenerate project files”. It has worked the couple of times I’ve lost intellisense in my unity project.