Hey guys,
I wrote this component for multi language support. But it’s more or less a modified version of the unity tutorial script. In the Editor it’s working smooth but when I build the project and run it on mobile it crashes/get stuck at some point and I don’t know why.
IEnumerator GetDataInAndroid(string fileName)
localizedText = new Dictionary<string, string>();
string filePath = "";
PreloaderText.text += "CreatingPath ";
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor)
filePath = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/", fileName);
else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
filePath = "jar:file://" + Application.dataPath + "!/assets" + "/" + fileName;
PreloaderText.text += "PathCreated ";
string dataAsJson;
if (filePath.Contains("://") || filePath.Contains(":///"))
//debugText.text += System.Environment.NewLine + filePath;
Debug.Log("UNITY:" + System.Environment.NewLine + filePath);
UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest www = UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Get(filePath);
yield return www.SendWebRequest();
dataAsJson = www.downloadHandler.text;
//This fixes the problem. Scroll down to see why. :)
dataAsJson = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(www.downloadHandler.data, 3, www.downloadHandler.data.Length - 3);
dataAsJson = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
PreloaderText.text += "ReadingCompleted ";
PreloaderText.text += dataAsJson;
LocalizationData loadedData = JsonUtility.FromJson<LocalizationData>(dataAsJson);
for (int i = 0; i < loadedData.items.Length; i++)
PreloaderText.text += i.ToString();
localizedText.Add(loadedData.items_.key, loadedData.items*.value);*_
//Debug.Log(“KEYS:” + loadedData.items*.key);*
PreloaderText.text += “finished”;
//yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
PreloaderText is just an improvised console so I can sort of debug it on mobile. What I know is, that it runs until "ReadingCompleted " and in “dataAsJson” the correct string is written. So I guess the conversion from jar to string works and it gets stuck with the JsonUtility.
I’m running it with the 2017 version of unity because I wanted to work out the errors before I upgrade to 2018. Maybe thats the source for the error.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
EDIT: Json file
{“key”:“StationNorth”,“value”:“Station North”},
{“key”:“StationSouth”,“value”:“Station South”},{“key”:“Sand”,“value”:“Sandmine”},
{“key”:“Rubber”,“value”:“Rubber factory”},
{“key”:“Steel”,“value”:“Steel factory”},
{“key”:“Iron”,“value”:“Iron factory”},
{“key”:“ReinforcedConcrete”,“value”:“Reinforced Concrete”},
{“key”:“Get2ndWaggon”,“value”:“Get second Waggon”},
{“key”:“RefuelFirst”,“value”:“Refuel first”},
{“key”:“CurrentLevel”,“value”:“Current Level”},
{“key”:“DoYouWantToFillUp”,“value”:“Do you want to fill up”},
{“key”:“YouDontNeedToRefuel”,“value”:“You don’t need to refuel”},
{“key”:“YouHaventBoughtThisVehilceYet”,“value”:“You haven’t bought this vehicle yet”},
{“key”:“DoYouWantToUnlockThe2ndWgSlot”,“value”:“Do you want to unlock the second waggon slot for”},
{“key”:“YouDontHaveEnoughMoneyTPT”,“value”:“You don’t have enough money to purchace this”},
{“key”:“YouHaveReachedMaxLevel”,“value”:“You have reached max level”},
{“key”:“YouCantUpgradeThisVehicle”,“value”:“You can’t upgrade this vehicle”},
{“key”:“YouHaventReachedMaxLevelYet”,“value”:“You haven’t reached max level. You can upgrade”},