Problems with MessageDeserializer when implementing service

Hello, I am implementing a LoadMap service, And I am getting bugs in the Read method of MessageDeserializer when trying to send the service message.
I have attached screenshots of the errors and where they happen in the code. They only happen once in a while.

And these are my scripts implementing the service:

public class MapUnityService : MonoBehaviour
    private ROSConnection _rosConn;

    void Start()
        _rosConn = ROSConnection.GetOrCreateInstance();
        _rosConn.ImplementService<LoadMapRequest, LoadMapResponse>("/map_server/load_map", GetLoadMap);

    private LoadMapResponse GetLoadMap(LoadMapRequest request)
        LoadMapResponse loadMapResponse = new LoadMapResponse();

        return loadMapResponse;
public class MapServiceCall : MonoBehaviour
    private ROSConnection _rosConn;
    private HeightMap _heightMap;
    private string _path;

    private void Start()
        _rosConn = ROSConnection.GetOrCreateInstance();
        _rosConn.RegisterRosService<LoadMapRequest, LoadMapResponse>("/map_server/load_map");
        _heightMap = FindObjectOfType<HeightMap>();
        _path = "/mnt/" + Application.dataPath + "/Saved_Runtime_Data/height_map.yaml";
        _path = _path.Replace("C:", "c");
        //_path = "//wsl$/Ubuntu-20.04/home/nitsan/raya2_ws/src/simulator_navigation2";
        MiniMapTexture.mapUpdated += SendMessage;

    private void SendMessage()
        //Called when the map jpg updates.

        LoadMapRequest loadMapRequest = new LoadMapRequest();
        loadMapRequest.map_url = _path;
        _rosConn.SendServiceMessage<LoadMapResponse>("/map_server/load_map", loadMapRequest, Callback);

    private void Callback(LoadMapResponse response)

    private void WriteToFile()
        //StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(_path);
        StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(Application.dataPath + "/Saved_Runtime_Data/height_map.yaml");

        string imagePath = _path.Replace("yaml", "jpg");
        writer.WriteLine(string.Format("image: {0}", imagePath));
        writer.WriteLine(string.Format("resolution: {0}", _heightMap.resolution));
        writer.WriteLine(string.Format("origin: [{0}, {1}, 0.0]", _heightMap.mapOrigin.x, _heightMap.mapOrigin.z));
        //writer.WriteLine(string.Format("origin: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]"));
        writer.WriteLine("occupied_thresh: 0.65");
        writer.WriteLine("free_thresh: 0.65");
        writer.WriteLine("negate: 0");

    private void OnDisable()
        MiniMapTexture.mapUpdated -= SendMessage;

Any help will be very appreciated!

Have you tried this with the new release version 0.7.0? There was a bug in ROS2 serialization when dealing with zero length arrays, not sure if this is the same issue or not.

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I just updated and it seems to work now, thank you!