Problems with "Microsoft Basic Render Driver"


(with Unity 2018.1.1f1)
I continued my 2D project with “Microsoft Basic Render Driver” video card (Got nvidia earlier, and all worked great)


Resolution[ ] resolutions = Screen.resolutions;
Gives now only desktop resolution


Now my game runs really slow. (3FPS) (I think it is engine wise problem, because my game is REALLY light on performance wise)

CArd is:
Intel® UHD Graphics 630

Microsoft Basic Render Driver is a fallback driver windows uses if it can not find the drivers for the graphics card.
It does all the GPU work on CPU and will be super slow.

You need to update the drivers on your computer.


This ^^^ It means you haven’t installed your video drivers, or at least not the correct ones. I’m surprised you were able to see your game work at all frankly.