That did it!
function ShieldsOn () {
if (canShield) {
var getMeshes = GetComponentsInChildren(MeshCollider);
for (var meshSwitch : MeshCollider in getMeshes) {
if( meshSwitch.gameObject.tag == "Shield" ) {
meshSwitch.convex = true;
canShield = false;
shieldsOn = true;
shield1.renderer.enabled = true;
shield2.renderer.enabled = true;
startTime = Time.time;
if (shieldsOnSound) {
audio.clip = shieldsOnSound.clip;
audio.volume = shieldsOnSound.volume;
audio.loop = shieldsOnSound.loop;
I realize that I’d gotten into trying other typing to get 'round the errors and then gave up on typing altogether. I think I was also trying that line as " : boolean"… I must not have struck the correct combination of type.
[edit: spelling]