hello, hope that you’re having a good day. recently i got a new chromebook, and i’ve had some problems with installing Unity, and just editing a project.
the first time i tried downloading Unity, i was using this link: How to install Unity3D (Unity Hub) on a Chromebook - Revised Tutorial.
it worked up until i got the unity hub, which when i tried installing 2019.4.17, it would say i do not have enough space, even though i have about 10GB more than i need.
the next time, i was using this link:
Unity3D is running natively on my Chromebook and I couldn’t be happier! | by Alexander Haskins | Medium
the hub worked, and the editor, but in the editor when i tried to click on a gameobject, it would be extremely laggy, and would take around 15 seconds just to select it in the hierarchy.
i would greatly appreciate any help with this. have a great morning/afternoon/evening!
I’ve tried to get Unity on Chromebook and it didn’t work, but for you it did for some reason. I thought that you just can’t get it on Chromebook. I guess not.
Anyways, I guess try:
- Reinstall Unity.
- Do a factory reset on your Chromebook. User data is stored in the cloud or whatever, not the Chromebook itself, so if you sign in again nothing will change except your downloads.
this question has now been answered, there is no need to post anything else here