ProBuilder 5 vs ProBuilder 6

Why don’t they just give us the option in the settings to choose which type of UI interface is better for the user: old or new?

I think that would suit everyone

The ProBuilder popup window being integrated into the manipulation tool overlay is brilliant, less clutter on my editor window. :+1:

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This is an awful change. While Probuilder has always been clunky at least it was intuitive. PB6 is a massive downgrade in readability. Why not have just have left the old Window in place? I’m going to just have to use a different tool now. Because the Hidden Context crap is really getting old. Just grey it out, stop hiding them.

In what universe is this an improvment?

I implore you guys to provide an optional install to reinsert the old work flow. PB6 is totally un usable compared to 5. Sure SOME might like it. I’m pretty sure the majority are simply going to either remake the window themselves or pay for someone else’s tool. This is a tremendous downgrade in usability.


did you try installing a specific version through package manager?

Just now found out how to bypass this stupidity
Hit the plus in package manager
Install by name: com.unity.probuilder
install version 5.2.3

Why didn’t they just leave it in the stupid Package Manager to select.
That’s on you guys for making this unnecessarily difficult. Please Update you Probuilders jsons to allow for previous version instead of forcing the rest of us to go out of our way to use a functional version of PB

PB6 to be perfectly frank is an absolute trainwreck of design and usability.

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Have you never used an actual 3d modelling software?

It works very similarly to Blender now. The workflow is way faster now that buttons are contextual and built using the new overlay system. And if you want you just can hot-key things to make it even faster.

Maybe spend some time getting used to it.

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Yep, Felt like a pain at the start as I come from pro 5, now pro 6 is actually much better!, Including the bugs though, the mesh some times doesn’t show requires me to either re enter the scene to rebuild the pro builder object during editing and that is frustrating so I instead do CMD-Z and then CMZ+SHIFT+Z to redo and it works back properly, the Live Preview doesn’t work either, Unity Gotta Fix bugs please!

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I spent the entire alpha phase trying to get used to it. I’m best at 3ds max because nothings hidden and contextualized. I tried and i tried to use it. But soon as i went back to 2023.3 i was immediately greeted with a friendly interface. Once that happened I tossed PB6 in the bin. It is not users friendly for the exact same reasons I just can’t use blender.

I think ‘not user friendly’ is subjective there. It’s just not what you’re used to.

Personally (aka subjectively) I think 3ds Max (and also Maya) are still stuck in the pits of terrible early 2000’s UI design.

And lets be real, what is the big difference between greying something out or hiding it that is so contentious to you? In the end the result is the same: you can’t use it. Just the former leads to more visual clutter, and latter means less visual clutter.

That’s the core issue. I don’t want my options hidden EVER. I want it in a side panel with words and Icons. In a complicated software suite, hidden means It doesn’t exist. This is a trend that need to stop, even Substance 3DModeler does this. I cant look at a shape an go, “ok I see all my options, to make what I want i can use this, or this” PB6 makes it so unless I KNOW what my intention is I can’t see my other ways to do it. Its way less free form and less intuitive. Its sterile now and clumsy. It limits the ways I can work with it. Greyed out still tells me information. Less is NOT more in this case. Its now following bad design principles, like going to flat art style icons. Yes now it unifies the UI. But its damages the tools functionality by doing so. Its less Newbie friendly. Tools should ALWAYS be about usability from the newest person BEFORE going with a design that hides options for sake of screen real estate. It Corrupts the idea that Unity can be picked up and learn from totally new developers. This new design kind of spits in the eye of that philosophy.
Sure, maybe you got used to it, there are those of us that hate the ribbon UIs that got introduced with post MS 2003 Office. I still prefer the old grey UI, as it was just better. Its less stylish, but so what.
Yeah I agree with Maya being a bad UI. I HATE Maya’s Ui, but its not much worse than Blenders.

Until PB6 makes it so we can use the old UI, I’ll never use it again. And if they ever make PB5 unavailable in Unity6 I’ll simply use a different tool. In my eyes its THAT bad. I’ll take extra steps over bad design any day.

This is nonsense. It doesn’t limit anything. You have all the same tools as you had before, and you still can only use them in the same contexts, it just doesn’t show the ones that don’t do anything in a given context.

It doesn’t give you any useful information. It just tells you what you can’t do when you weren’t going to do it anyway. Useless.

If I’m in vertex select mode I don’t need to see the options for face selection mode. I know they’re still they’re of course. I’ll see them when I need them/when they’re useful.

I doubt they’ll bring back the old window because there’s no point in maintaining it just for people who get scared when they can’t see buttons.

Coming from a different perspective, confronting new users with a big window full of options, where they don’t know what each one does and why they can’t use half of them is probably a bit overwhelming.

Whereas having a limited number of options - only the ones that are useful - probably ends up being less of an information overload.

In any case new users should be both watching introductory tutorials and reading the manual. And as experienced users we should be referencing the manual as much as needed as well whilst we get used to things.

Even if I’ve been using Blender for nearly two decades now, I will still reference the manual where needed for the less travelled features. Documentation is written for a reason, after all.

I will say the Probuilder 6 documentation needs more images. A lot more images.

Hi! Can you tell me if Boolean operations on Mesh have been fixed in ProBuilder 6? I have observed many errors when trying to cut one Mesh from another or find their intersection

The new system is still exceptionally user unfriendly and in my professional opinion completely and totally a downgrade in just about every way. I use probuilder every single day and lead a team of about 12 people. Not a single member of my team is satisfied with having the old menu completely deleted. You shouldn’t be dictating other peoples workflow especially when there is an established system in place. These new features should have been added and if you really wanted to debloat unity… started somewhere else, but in all seriousness if you really wanted to debloat unity you should have phased out the old system over time. But honestly that shouldn’t even be necessacary. There is no need to strip out features. The menu was a feature. Seeing what was possible out of context, was beneficial to teaching. Now you have to memorize what to select to do a loop cut, memorize where every essential button is, memorize the options in multiple modes, and tediously make sure for the love of god you don’t accidentally click outside of your object onto something else in the scene or you need to go clicking around to re-enable edit mode. Breaking 40 years of pc convention to introduce mobile hold click to drag and select a menu option instead of click to open click to confirm.

This isn’t the one button game challenge, its production software.


You cannot have stated it better. I despise PB6 its awful. Last UI i used that was t his bad was Maya

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