Probuilder and Grids doing weird things

Why does the builder do weird stuff with grids? Sometimes, the size goes to x.5 and then even to something crazier. Then it won’t snap correctly, and so on. I included a video where I play around with the builder and show the problems.

When I build big things, it annoys me when things don’t snap how I want. Some walls are not in the same height or length or something similar.

What should I do?

video: vd.mkv - Google Drive

Thanks for reporting this @BigBossBOB. Could you please share a screenshot of your snapping settings? (Expand the snapping dropdown in the Grid and Snap toolbar). It might be that you’re in incremental snapping instead of absolute grid snapping but I’d like to see your settings first.

Sorry for my late response, thank you for your response.

Here is the screenshot.

Your tab looks a bit different than mine. I believe it’s because of Unity versions. I use 2022.3.54f1 currently.


@mrimkus Did you receive my last reply?

@BigBossBOB , apologies for a late reply. I’ve rewatched your video and the behaviour you’re getting seems correct given your settings.

You have grid snapping on at snap/grid size = 1.0. If you look at 0:14 - 0:20 of your video and look at the inspector you’ll see the red cube change it’s Y position between Y=-1, 0, 1, etc. - which looks correct as the handle is snapping to the grid along it’s Y axis by size of 1.

The way grid snapping works is that your handle snaps to a 3D grid that’s of the size that’s indicated in “Grid size” under Grid Snapping and is at (0, 0, 0) origin (in this particular version of editor). In the scene view, only the base plane is indicated but you have to imagine that there’s also multiple invisible grids going up and down along the Y axis by the “grid size Y” amount in your “Grid Snapping” settings.

Watching at ~0:40 mark (where you’re manipulating the face) - looks correct again because if you look at Object Size in the inspector the Y goes from 10 to 11, to 9, back to 11, etc. This again looks correct as your mesh is sitting at Y = 1, and it’s initial Object Size is 10 and you’re snapping a grid-aligned face to different grid planes of unit size 1 along the Y axis. If your object was at Y=0.5 for example, then you’d see your object size go from 10 to 10.5, or 9.5, etc (i.e. your first snap would be by 0.5 to align the handle to closest grid plane along Y).

If we look further, what’s happening from ~0:53 is that you’ve changed the bounds of the mesh by manipulating the face and you can see the object size is now Y=11 (it was Y=10 before). Since your handle mode is in “Center”, the object move handle is in a different place than where it was before the manipulation. The handle’s Y position is now different by 0.5 units because you’ve changed the Y bounds by 1. This means that different to prior, the handle is no longer on any of the “invisible” grid planes that go along Y axis by 1 unit. The handle is now exactly in between two planes so when you try to snap move along Y it first snaps the handle to closest plane (moving the object by 0.5) and then from there on it keeps moving it by 1 because now you’re snapping from plane to plane.

I think part of the reason you might be getting confused is that there’s multiple things at play that you need to think about, which is: your Pivot Mode setting being in “Center”, you have absolute grid snapping on and you’re also changing the object’s bounds while snapping it around. Let me know if this makes sense. I think if you redid your steps from the video with PivotMode: Pivot it may be more clear as the Center pivot mode might be throwing you off.

Progrids design is better because it only snaps on the actual pivot and does not let you easily/accidently slip into center pivot. I’ve found that the new grid system is very unintuitive in comparison for accurately assembling modular buildings for example. It’s risky at best because it takes something that is supposed to be simple (grid snapping) and overcomplicates it.

I suspect the decision to have multiple pivots was to give options for using poorly designed assets with sloppy pivot points. I’ve yet to hear why progrids went into “experimental” many years back. There might be some “under the hood” reason for this, but overall functionality and practicality has been downgraded in the new system. Just make it work like progrids. You had it right on the first go. Same thing with probuilder, you guys are making it way less intuitive than it used to be.

Thank you for the detailed reply @mrimkus and sorry again for the late reply. I’ve been testing around.

How do I change the Pivot Mode? I noticed that in ProBuilder if I select a face, move it to grid, and click “set pivot” then it kinda fixes it (I think).

Also, @ron-bohn talked about ProGrids. Can I disable Unity’s built-in grid system and install ProGrids somehow? As far as I know, Progrids does not work in the new versions of Unity because Unity now has its own grid system.