Probuilder changes not showing in game


In my scene I created a cavern in the floor, using ProBuilder, and filled it with water, in scene mode it looks great, but when I press play and go into game (I’m using the 3D game kit asset) the cavern and water disappears and looks flat again, but if I walk the character over, they fall down the cavern. Then when I go back into scene, it all looks disappeared, until I click back on plane and it all reappears again.

What am I missing for it to be doing this? I assume there’s a setting I need to change but as I’ve been learning Unity for just a few days, I’ve no idea where to start!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hmm, though you are giving decent information, they key information is still missing. Not your fault ofc, but this seems to be a niche situation where someone would probably need to see whats up.

I will say this, i have left a few ‘complain about ProB’ threads around here, because ProB definitely has issues, but this one seems a little odd.

If you cant find any reslve, hit me up on disord if you like, i can take a look at your screen share and see whats up.


That would be great thank you!
I’ve sent a request through on discord :slight_smile:

SOLVED : Another Probuilder failure that was solved easily by exporting and reimporting as a generic mesh. This seems to be a reoccuring event.

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