ProBuilder Docking Issues

Hello Unity users-

I am having an issue with docking the pro builder window. Currently, the Probuilder window is floating (separate from the main editor window), but the setting on the pro builder window is set to Dockable. But, when I try to drag the ProBuilder Window over the main Unity editor window, the Probuilder window won’t snap (dock) into the main Unity editor window. Is there a setting somewhere that I’m missing? Can you guys understand what I mean, or do I need to upload pictures/GIFs?

The main issue with the window not docking is that I’m working on a Mac, so I have limited screen space, so I tend to maximize the Unity main editor window. What happens is that I may be clicking around on the Unity editor, so then obviously the main editor window is sent to the front, and the Probuilder floating window is behind the main editor window. So, when I need the ProBuilder window to do something like merge faces, I have to go Tools>ProBuilder Window, or drag my Unity main editor tab out of the way, which turns into a lot of wasted time/inconvenience/burden when I have to do these steps a bunch.

Thank you!

PS: I looked up the ProBuilder manual and it tells users to set the Probuilder Window to Dockable and then you can just add it to the Unity Editor Window. This is, like I described previously, how my ProBuilder is set up currently.



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