Probuilder issue - Can't duplicate/edit existing pieces (they become invisible)

Hey everyone,

after running into some issues with Package Manager in Unity, I got everything working, however now I’m having an issues with Probuilder.

As this was a new scene I was creating, I didn’t have a backup made.

Impact: 1 scene (which just happens to be entirely made with ProBuilder…)
Issue: All existing pieces are visible, however if I want to move or duplicate them, they become invisible. Can’t select faces or vertexes on them either.

Troubleshooting done
Repair - Everything becomes invisble (like example screenshot)
Copy/pase - Same result
Upgrading Probuilder to a different preview version - Same result (done with a backup)
Upgrading Unity to a different version - Same result (done with a backup)

Probuilder 4.2.3 + Unity 2019.3.3


These are the errors I get when duplicating. The size in the probuilder script goes back to 0 on all axis as well. Can’t select any faces, etc on these objects. It’s like probuilder doesn’t properly recognize them. But “repairing” makes them all invisible.


After a while I noticed this error in my scene as well. Not too sure what triggered this:

Assertion failed on expression: '0 == m_CurrentBuiltInBindMask'
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

Any guidance? Don’t want to lose an entire scene…

Try running the “Strip ProBuilder Scripts in Scene” action from the ProBuilder menu, then re-ProBuilderizing the objects.

Honestly can’t believe this worked. I already rebuild 90% of the scene haha. Anyway, loads of improvements to my scene while rebuilding, so not all is lost.

Thank you @kaarrrllll

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This worked for me. Thanks

Yes this works. Thanks!