ProBuilder Material ID's

Is there a way to apply a material ID to objects made with ProBuilder? In common modeling software, there is the ability to map faces to specific ID’s so that you can apply materials to a face and every face with that ID will apply the same material. I am aware that ProBuilder has a “Material Editor” tab but it requires you to select every face every time you want to apply a new texture.

For context, I am modeling a large interior building that is one solid piece. Currently, if I want to change the material for the floor lets say, I would have to select every face on the floor; or set every face to a specific vertex colour and then “select by colour”, but this method is not very intuitive. When a model is exported with material ID’s set in place, it allows you to simply drag a material onto an object and apply that material only to the ID of the face you applied it to.

Sorry if this thread is convoluted but I am confused on how I should be doing this. Thank you for any help!

If Material ID’s are not a thing in ProBuilder then consider this feedback! :slight_smile:

  • Chris

Hi! As a 3ds max user, I also really miss that feature :smile: Have looked into it occasionally … I’ll bring it up again, I think some of the upcoming mesh format improvements will make this very doable! Thanks!

Hope you do this, especially since the latest update of Quixel Mixer that works with Materials IDs and could be great to do a Probuilder ↔ Quixel Mixer workflow…

Also, please put the boolean option back into Probuilder! It is so essential!


Was there ever a solution to this, I am running into this same issue regularly where I need to modify the material ids. It seems like a pretty big omission as a feature.