Probuilder Polybrush meshes not rendering in webgl

I have Unity 2019.3.1, with probuilder tools installed. I have a very basic mesh of some desert islands with Polybrush texture blend shaders on it. They work perfectly in Unity Editor, and when exported to webgl, it also works in Edge browser

But in the exported webgl in Chrome, the polybrushed pobjects are not rendered and the background just shows through. Has anyone encountered this?

I have the same problem, except that the mesh doesn’t work in edge browser either, (but it works fine in the editor and in a non-exprted build).

Did you find a solution?,I am sitting with the same problem, except that it neither works in chrome nor edge for me. However, it does work in editor and in any build that doesn’t go online.

Did you find a solution?

this happened to me too! I changed the shader to ProBuilder/Diffuse Texture Blend. It uses the same texture mapping as polybrush so it’s easy to transfer, It doesn’t have bumpmapping though if that matters. You just need to put textures in the boxes the same way as you would have with polybrush. If you can’t find the shader you might have to install probuilder.,this happened to me too, I changed the shader to ProBuilder/Diffuse Texture Blend, it uses the same texture mapping data as you set it in polybrush so it’s very easy to transfer. you’ll just need to put the textures in the boxes like for polybrush and it should work.