Hi there!
I’ve looked through the documentation a bunch and scanned the forums, but can’t seem to find anything related to this question, but a particular value in the ProBuilder Settings.json file keeps showing up as changed in our git. The key is “editor.selectMode”, and the value that changes is “m_Value”. I’m assuming this is the current selection mode (object, face, vert, etc) a user is in, but I’m wondering why this is something that is tracked in settings? OR can the Settings.json file simply be added to the gitignore? I feel like that would be the best solution, but wanted to check to make sure that isn’t a file that everyone on the project needs to share.
Thanks in advance for the help!
You can safely add the ProBuilder Settings.json
to ignore if you’d like.
The selection mode is also something that could be a library preference - I will make a note to audit those settings to make sure they are being saved in the appropriate place.
Dear god, Please do this soon! We run Unity workshops and this is a big stumbling block for inexperienced git users.
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Settings.json are still being added for Probuilder and Polybrush under ProjectSettings/Packages in Unity 2022.1. Clearly some of those settings were supposed to be considered “user preferences”, but it’s not clear if some of them can actually be important as “Project Settings”.
Storing user preferences under the folder Project Settings makes it very misleading if we can really ignore them or not in our source control!
Running into this issue today. Would be great to have user settings separate from project settings!