Probuilder throws NullReferenceException when Extruding object on Android

Hey, I’m trying to Extrude a ProBuilder object during Runtime and it works on Editor but when testing on Android it gives me a NullReferenceException… Unity version 2019.4.5f1. Probuilder version 2.9.8f3.

Android Logcat Message:
Error Unity NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Code that gives the Error (Lines 5, 6, 7):

CurrentLevel = Shop.GetComponent<PlayerSeeds>().CurrentLevel;

ProBuilderMesh PB = gameObject.GetComponent<ProBuilderMesh>();

PB.Extrude (new Face[] {PB.faces[0]}, ExtrudeMethod.FaceNormal, CurrentLevel*50f);

Make sure the in the Preferences/ProBuilder section that “Strip ProBuilder Scripts” is disabled if you want to access that data in the runtime.

Sadly that didn’t work, in addition to NullReferenceException, it also threw me an ArgumentNullException: Value Cannot be null. Parameter name: indexes.

Does the ProBuilderMesh that you’re trying to extrude have any geometry?

So the ProBuilder face that I’m trying to extrude is the top face of a cylinder that I made by hand from the editor. I haven’t added any other geometry, only merged the top side faces to a single face.

Hm, I don’t know off-hand what the problem might be. Can you please file a bug report?

Alright, I will thank you for trying to help. Honestly, if there is an alternative to this I wouldn’t mind changing my code, I just don’t know ProBuilder that extremely well and the documentation kinda went above my head.