ProBuilder/UV Editor Tiling Issue


I’m having an issue with tiling my original texture/material.

You’ll see below that in the first gif, ProBuilder’s built-in texture/material stays in place as I move a face, whereas in the second gif, my (original) texture/material moves as I move a face.

I would appreciate some help with setting my own texture/UV to do what ProBuilder’s built-in texture is doing (in the first gif).

Thank you. :slight_smile:

9489955--1335598--2023-11-23 12.06.27.gif 9489955--1335601--2023-11-23 12.04.59.gif

Could be a couple of things, but it looks most like you’ve set that object not to use Automatic UVs. Select that objects faces and open the UV editor window:


See if there’s a button for “Convert to Auto”. If so, push it. Then, in that same window, make sure the Tiling is set to (1,1)/

If that doesn’t work, are you using a custom shader for your material, or just the standard Lit shader?

It was already set to Auto, and I believe I was just using the standard shader (I didn’t really get into messing with shaders, so I can only assume it’s the default.)

However, there was a peculiar development just now. Seeing your reply at least got me messing with the UV editor and whatnot again, and I just decided to click through the “Anchor” options because why not at this point, right? I then just selected “Middle left,” and now, it does what I want. (That’s pretty cool.)

I’m guessing the UV has to be anchored in one way or another for this to work?

Edit: Thank you btw!

Well, I use Anchor: None on 99% of my ProBuilder options, so I wouldn’t say it’s necessary to choose an explicit anchor. I’d be curious if this happens with every new PB object you create, or if it’s just a case of having adjusted some settings on that the PB object you showed in your initial post.