ProBuilder Vert/Edge/Face movement is snapping to grid, but ProGrids disabled

This seems to have started recently, and I’m not sure what to look for in terms of a solution. I have both ProBuilder and ProGrids installed. Normally, if I move a PB vert/edge/face with the drag tool, it will honor whatever ProGrids settings are active. If I set ProGrids to “Off”, then there will be no snapping when moving PB elements. However, recently, I’m always experiencing snapping on PB elements even with ProGrids switched off.

Here’s what ProGrids looks like:


You can see it’s off. However, if I drag a PB object’s vert/edge/face, it will snap to 1 meter units. I can’t disable this behavior anymore. If I change the snap increment to something else, it snaps to that amount instead. So, it’s clear that some ProGrids settings are being used, but the On/Off switch isn’t being honored.

I tried fully uninstalling ProGrids, and that resolved the problem. But as soon as I installed ProGrids again, it’s back to snapping 100% of the time. Note that this snapping doesn’t occur when moving other game objects. Just PB elements.

Has anyone seen this happen before? Is there some value possibly being set somewhere in some file I can delete/reset to correct this behavior?

Is the built-in snapping activated?

I also remember vaguely an issue with the ProGrids integration in ProBuilder that matches this description, but I can’t anything in the changelog that mentions it.

This setting?

I’ve tried toggling that while in Global mode, but it doesn’t affect PB behavior. I also tried going into Preferences, and resettings the ProGrids preferences, and unchecking “Sync with Unity Snap”, but so far it’s not changing anything.

I had originally assumed this was something weird that happened in my main project. But this is actually easy to reproduce in a brand new project. I reported bug #1265623 with a repro project.

This appears to be a regression in ProBuilder between 4.2.3 and 4.3.1. I started a new project and installed ProGrids and PB 4.2.3, and there’s no unwanted snapping behavior. I then upgraded to PB 4.3.1, and the snapping behavior starts happening.

Thanks, I will follow up on the case.

This still happens on latest stable release, but seems fixed on latest preview release. Please get this onto stable when you can!

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This is happening to me currently on 2020.3.25f1 with ProBuilder 4.5.2 and ProGrids 3.0.3-preview.6.

Unity WorldGridSnapping is turned off. Has anyone found a solution to quick fix?

If you want a temporary fix, set the snap value to 0. I know it does use more time but it will work.