Procedural Key Frame Flythrough using Cinemachine and Scripting

I’d like to save a sequence of camera positions/rotations, then use Cinemachine to blend them together. This all needs to be done procedurally since I don’t know what they will be ahead of time. I’ve used blending already when there is a transform to focus on. For this use case, there’s no transform, just blend between viewpoints. There are a lot of CM components I don’t use. What’s the simplest way to achieve this?

Just new up a GameObject and move it along the course between the viewpoints.

I usually use two, one where the camera IS and one where the camera is looking.

I do this for cinematics over a procedurally-generated world.

Then I just use a tweener the create a sequence of moving the two Transforms, and tell my cam controller “hey be here, look there” over in LateUpdate()

Destroy() em when you’re done… or not. :slight_smile:

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Great. Much simpler than involving Cinemachine. Thanks!