Procedural Map Split in Sectors

Hi all,

Trying to brainstorm an idea, I’ve been doing some procedural galaxy creation and there is an idea I had that i’m currently stuck on and was hoping someone might know a tutorial or can give me ideas on this. Not sure how many people have played SPAZ (Space Pirates and Zombies), but I am wanting to sorta replicate the overhead map system. I left I link below of what it looks like. Its a circle that is split into different sectors and it seems to be procedurally generated. Anyone have any ideas at how I could pull this off?

Appreciate any thoughts!

I actually did something almost exactly like this some time ago…

I first did a poisson points generation to create the stars
Then I generated a voronoi diagram from the points using this delaunay triangulation library for C#: GitHub - jfg8/csDelaunay: Voronoi Diagram C# Implementation
Then using the voronoi diagram like a graph, I picked random points to serve as the “capitals” of each colored region, and flood filled the map from each capital using depth-first-search.
I also generated meshes from the voronoi diagram in order to draw the thing.

This was quite an old project but I was pretty happy with how the map generation turned out… I’ll see if I can dig up some screenshots/code tomorrow.

For reference this is what a voronoi diagram looks like:

If you apply some “wiggle noise” to the edges it could look a lot like the SPAZ map, but i didn’t get that far in my project.

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voronoi (worley noise)

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Thanks to you both, I didn’t even know what term to search for but this Voronoi Diagram opened up several resources to start digging into.

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