Procedural textures

Interesting article.
They claim to be able to eliminate 90% of the classic textures by procedural ones, what makes it much easier to distribute online because of the reduced filesize. And it still looks great. :wink:

Yep…now i won’t dig out when i’ve talked about this… :O)

There are 2 issues with procedural textures:

  1. they’re slow. Even if they’re only generated once per level, if you have a lot of them, that will make for a significant wait time at the begininning of the level.
  2. they’re harder to create than simply snapping a picture of a wall.

Don’t get me wrong, I do love procedural textures, and I use them all the time in 3dsmax. Just playing devil’s advocate :slight_smile:

Yes, sure calculation can take some time but if they’re hard to make depends on the underlying system. There is picturematerial where it’s easier to post product a photo, draw your own one or use a snippet with something like imageSynth for instance but there also is picture material which you won’t find this easily.

I like them. They are not good for everything but you can do some very nice stuff with them.