Maybe someone can help me to get a grip on “mesh.uv”, i seem to be lost somewhere in my procedural meshing between array index 16732 and 16733
Here is what i want to do:
I got a texture with 4 different small tile textures in it. 2x2 squares. one each for sand, grass, water, rock.
I also got a 100x100 plane mesh (procedurally generated and later transformed).
I now want to place the small tiles from the texture “randomly” onto the plane.
I guess i have to somehow make custom UVs that map a segment of a texture to faces. I just cant figure out how it works. I hope someone here can give me (or direct me to) a primer on how UV maps are actually built using “mesh.uv”. Can’t figure it out from whats written in the documentation.
o/ Pray for help.