Procedurally generate a TextMesh

I am trying to display 3d text in the world and TextMesh seems to be the way to go. Here is what I have so far:

var wallTxt = new GameObject("WallText");
wallTxt.GetComponent (TextMesh).text = "Hello World";
var myFont : Font = (Resources.Load("Courier") as Font);
wallTxt.GetComponent(TextMesh).font = myFont;
wallTxt.transform.position.y = 10;
GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube).transform.position.y = 10;

It displays something but the text is all black blocks instead of letters. Any ideas how to do this properly?

It's simpler if you create a prefab of a TextMesh, and then instantiate the prefab.

var textMeshPrefab : TextMesh;

function Start () {
    var wallTxt : TextMesh = Instantiate(textMeshPrefab, Vector3.up*10, Quaternion.identity);
    wallTxt.text = "Hello World";

Try doing the same procedure in the editor and compare the result of your script with the working textmesh from the editor.

You were on the right track. After some futzing I got this to work:


var wallTxt = new GameObject("TextField");
var meshRender: MeshRenderer = wallTxt.GetComponent(MeshRenderer);
var material: Material = meshRender.material;
meshRender.material = Resources.Load("Arial", Material);
wallTxt.GetComponent (TextMesh).text = "Hello world";
var myFont : Font = Resources.Load("Arial",Font);
wallTxt.GetComponent(TextMesh).font = myFont;

Just be sure to create a Resources folder in the Assets folder and put the font you want to load in there.

OLD ANSWER. But you need to attach the font material to the Mesh Renderer.

Old solution. You need to attach the font material to the Mesh Renderer you instantiate.

Slimmed down Version.


public Font guiFont;
public Material guiFontMaterial;

GameObject _textGo = new GameObject("Text");
TextMesh _text = (TextMesh)_textGo.AddComponent( typeof(TextMesh) );
_textGo.AddComponent( typeof(MeshRenderer) );
_textGo.renderer.material = guiFontMaterial;
_text.text = "Hello world";
_text.font = guiFont;

Same answer, but I made a few tweaks to it

public static GameObject Create3DText(string text)
	GameObject textObject = new GameObject();
	TextMesh textMesh = textObject.AddComponent(typeof(TextMesh)) as TextMesh;
	textMesh.text = text;
	MeshRenderer meshRenderer = textObject.GetComponent(typeof(MeshRenderer)) as MeshRenderer;
	meshRenderer.material = Resources.Load("Arial", typeof(Material)) as Material; 

	//You need to create a folder called "Resourses" in the assets 
	//To create a font, drag it from c:Windows\Fonts\ to the Unity-assets-Resourses folder 
	Font font = Resources.Load("ARIAL", typeof(Font)) as Font;
	textMesh.font = font;
	return textObject;