Procedurally generated mesh JS - explain the error please

Hey guys, I decided to try my luck at procedurally generating meshes. I've tried following this guide, but since it's in C# I wanted to translate it into JS. Since the general idea translates I thought I was managing quite well, but there are some compiler errors I keep getting that I cannot explain.

It's probably something extremely simple and stupid I'm doing wrong/overlooking and might very well have to do with me not understanding built in arrays very well (finding unity related documentation on them is proving difficult)

TBH I'm just a noob when it comes to scripting who helps out the even lesser noobs around here ^.^ Also, it's late, I'm tired and I need heeeelp :p I've added text explaining the code and pointing out the errors.

@MenuItem ("GameObject/Create Other/Tetrahedron")                   //add it to the menu

static function CreateTetrahedron () {

    var Tetrahedron : GameObject = new GameObject ("Tetrahedron");  //create an empty gameobject with that name

    Tetrahedron.AddComponent(MeshFilter);                           //add a meshfilter

    var p0 : Vector3 = Vector3(0,0,0);                              //the four points that make a tetrahedron
    var p1 : Vector3 = Vector3(1,0,0);
    var p2 : Vector3 = Vector3(0.5f,0,Mathf.Sqrt(0.75f));
    var p3 : Vector3 = Vector3(0.5f,Mathf.Sqrt(0.75f),Mathf.Sqrt(0.75f)/3);

    var newVertices : Vector3[] = new Vector3[] {                   //the non-shared vertices (line 14)
        p0,p1,p2,p0,                                                //Assets/Editor/Tetrahedron.js(14,50): BCE0044: expecting (, found '['.
        p2,p3,p2,p1,                                                //Assets/Editor/Tetrahedron.js(15,19): BCE0044: expecting :, found ','.

    var newTriangles : int[] = new int[]{                           //the triangle faces the points make up

    var newMesh : Mesh = new Mesh ();                               //create a new mesh, assign the vertices and triangles
        newMesh.vertices = newVertices;
        newMesh.triangles = newTriangles;
        newMesh.RecalculateNormals();                               //recalculate normals, bounds and optimize

    Tetrahedron.GetComponent(MeshFilter).mesh = newMesh;            //assign the created mesh as the used mesh


The problem is that you're using the C# array initialization. Here's what you want for JavaScript.

var newVertices : Vector3[] = [

var newTriangles : int[] = [  

Also you had one more error that crops up once those are fixed; so here's a bonus fix. :)

(Tetrahedron.GetComponent(MeshFilter) as MeshFilter).mesh = newMesh;