Procedurally generated mesh performance

I am generating a hexagon mesh procedurally, and putting it in a game object, like so:

GameObject hex = new GameObject ();
		hex.AddComponent<MeshRenderer> ();
		hex.GetComponent<MeshRenderer> ().castShadows = false;
		hex.GetComponent<MeshRenderer> ().receiveShadows = false;
		hex.AddComponent<MeshFilter> ();
		hex.GetComponent<MeshFilter> ().mesh = GenerateHexagonMesh ();
		//hex.renderer.sharedMaterial = mat;
		hex.isStatic = true;

I am instantiating the object about 400 times, without any performance issues.
However, if I set a material to the object (tested several), the performance drops to the point that Unity just stops responding. If I assign a material, only 10 or so objects can be instantiated before the performance gets too bad.

Any tips to what might be going wrong here?

this is how i generate the mesh:

private Mesh GenerateHexagonalMesh (float hexRadius)
		Mesh mesh = new Mesh ();
		Vector3 vertPos = new Vector3 (0, 0, hexRadius);
		Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[7];
		Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Euler (0, 60, 0); //360/6 = 60
		vertices [0] = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0);
		for (int i=0; i< 6; i++) {
			vertPos = rot * vertPos;
			vertices [i + 1] = vertPos;
		mesh.vertices = vertices;
		int[] tri = new int[]{
			0, 1, 2,
			0, 2, 3,
			0, 3, 4,
			0, 4, 5,
			0, 5, 6,
		mesh.triangles = tri;
		Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[7];
		normals [0] = Vector3.up;
		normals [1] = Vector3.up;
		normals [2] = Vector3.up;
		normals [3] = Vector3.up;
		normals [4] = Vector3.up;
		normals [5] = Vector3.up;
		normals [6] = Vector3.up;
		mesh.normals = normals;
		//mesh.RecalculateNormals ();
		mesh.RecalculateBounds ();
		mesh.Optimize ();
		return mesh;

It’s just a guess, but you’re probably using material with a shader expecting a texture, and your hex mesh doesn’t have UVs defined. I tested your code using material with Diffuse shader, and there was a big performance hit indeed.

When I set mesh UVs (just after setting mesh.vertices):

var uvs = new Vector2[7];
mesh.uv = uvs;

everything worked ok, and generating 1000 hexes with material didn’t result in any performance loss.

Of course if you plan to use texture, then you have to provide proper UVs, not just initialize the array.