Profiler display loaded Filenames?

Just a tiny thing: the Profile Analyzer already displays the filename (if I’ve loaded one from disk). It would be amazing if Profiler would likewise do it. I have to keep reloading the file to make sure I’m on the right one. :slight_smile:

Hi there,
It’s something we’ve considered before but it’s pretty fuzzy at the moment. E.g. by holding the shift key when pressing the Import button you can load multiple profiler Files into the same Profiler Windows, which may even still contain non-saved frame data) and it’ll just concatenate them. That’s messy for a whole bunch of reasons, all of which are higher prio than adding a display for the loaded file name, but addressing these eventually could lead to clearer labeling of data origins :slight_smile:

Also, you can always submit your Feature Request through our public Roadmap, here’s the relevant page for profiling. That way the feedback won’t get lost, which it can definitely do here on the forums. E.g. I only caught this thread by chance. It’s not in a subforum I’d get notified about and was not tagged with “profiling” and even if I would get notified, it might drown out in other emails and never get properly slotted into the feature request backlog for prioritization.