I’m developing 2D-Sidescroll action game in Unity3D for iOS devices.
The problem is - GAME IS UNBELIEVABLY SLOW AND SPIKE on PC(iMac 3.6GHz Intel Core 2 Duo/8GB Rams/Run in Editor) and iOS(iPhone 4) but really fast on Android devices(Samsung galaxy S2, Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0’, and so on)-. My game is even faster than PC on Android Cellphones.
It’s first time that I’m developing game with Unity3D. So I thought I did something wrong and tried to use statistics and profiler window to find reasons. But statistics and profiler window are always tell me game have no problem in performance. I found that there is large gap on Frame time on statistics window(8.0ms + 1.1ms) and Time.deltaTime * 1000(16.54798). It’s not a real problem in that situation but I saw many worse cases(Like Statistics:10ms/Time.deltaTime*1000:45ms…) so I want to know why this is happen and how can I fix this problem.
Thanks for reading