Profiler loses connection to device on OnApplicationPause

We are profiling on an iOS device, whenever we scroll down the control center, seems the application triggers OnApplicationPause and connection to the device is lost on the profiler.

We are trying to profile something it happens just when the app comes from background but with this behavior of the profiler it’s impossible.

Is this a bug? any workaround?

Thanks in advance

Does that happen right away or after some time?
When app is sent to background, OS closes network connections after some grace period (~half a minute).

It happens right away, instantly.

This is intentional. When player pauses, player connection does pause as well.

As @Aurimas-Cernius wrote this is intentional. Whenever we get from the iOS info to pause application we also disconnect player connection to avoid zombi connections (we do not know if this pause will last few seconds, days or even weeks). Good info for you is that you can disable pausing of player connection by modifying the boot.config in the application. Just add there:
