Profiling 2d game, making sense of profiler stats

So I am trying to understand what I am looking at here. The docs don’t seem to cover anything regarding the profiler.

I am using the standalone profiler.

My scene is 1.1mb, my screen is 23mb and somehow audio takes up 15mb even though I have 3 AudioSources 2 of which are kbs and 1 which is 3mb in AudioClips, somehow in the active scene the 3mb is taking up 9mb… How does that work? More perplexing is the total memory usage of the game is 2.02GB. What in the world? Is that all unity stuff?

This app is almost completely empty. I have a scene that acts as a menu with only two buttons, play & exit.

Play loads new scene and almost nothing is going on in the scene. I have 10 dudes moving in a straight line with a player object that can shoot in the direction clicked, no aim assist either and only one object has an update method.

Compared to something like Survivor!.io, where there are literally mobs and mobs of gameobjects (characters) with animating components/objects, constant calculations for chasing the player, and auto-aim tracking the nearest enemies to shoot at constantly, probably hundreds if not thousands of objects in that scene. Compared to 11.

I’ve noticed this total number is about the same for every project I’ve worked on. So I assume that’s all unity’s engine related stuff taking up that memory?

Does this mean my game will at least take up 2.02GB of memory when a player is running the game? And there is relatively nothing I can do to make that number smaller?

Are these numbers relatively normal?

make a build and check your task manager to see how much memory is being used

also if you want comments about your profiler you need to post screenshots

So these docs don’t cover anything regarding the profiler?

There’s also a whole bunch of YouTube tutorials out there that goes over the profiler, specifically the Memory Module too:

I’ll move this to the Editor & General Support forum as it’s not a 2D specific post. You’ll also likely get better responses there.


Hey I just wanted to come back and thank you for linking this. As simple and fundamental as it is, I totally overlooked the pages in the manual. The manual pages were much more thorough than I had expected. The manual had some good info that helped explain some of the large numbers I was seeing and how they are effectively doubled when testing in play mode rather than testing a build on a targeted platform. So I was able to resolve my confusion and lack of understanding.

Thank you

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