I am currently unable to profile a WebGL application. I get profiling information for about 8 frames, but then the WebGL application shows “The message header is corrupted and for security reasons connection will be terminated.” on the development console, and the profiler does not receive data anymore. There exists already a bug report for this problem (https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/is…sons-connection-will-be-terminated-dot-errors), but that is open for several months now, with no fix in sight.
As I’m currently stuck: Are there any known reasons or workarounds to this problem, or alternative ways to profile a Unity WebGL build?
@TomTheMan59 That sounds like it either re-appeared or might be a slightly different bug with the same symptom expression. Could you please file a bug for it so that the right team can check it out?
Hmm then maybe there is a bugfix for Mac on the alpha that’s not yet backported, or a feature change… If the next patch release doesn’t have it fixed on Mac, it might still be valid to file a bug report