Hello, I’m not sure if this is the correct forum to post this in, however…
…I am a Game Art student at the Art institute in Las Vegas. My school (AILV) is thinking of buying the Unity Engine for all Art Institutes to replace the Unreal 3 Engine. As students we have been avidly against UT3 because of its lack of resources (There’s no book out yet) and its inflexibility.
So I had a few questions I wanted to see if you guys could answer. If this is the wrong venue to ask such questions please point me in the right direction.
1: What kind of resources do you provide for a school that purchases your engine? I didn’t see any literature on designing games with the Unity Engine?
2: We are art school students with only minimal programming knowledge. We do take a few scripting classes but we are by no means programmers. How hard is programming for the Unity Engine? And do you provide any resources for that as well?
Thank you for your time. We (AILV) are looking to have a secondary engine implemented by our Fall Semester. I believe the deans are already talking to you guys but as a Student I would like to know first hand weather or not this is the answer we are looking for.