Hello guys, im working with a single scene, and i wanted to make a progress bar when the game is loading. This is, while all the resources are being read, all the collections filled, the savefile is being read and parsed, the map generated…
So while all this is happening i run a coroutine where I’m faking a progress bar adding +0.1 to the progress every 0.2 seconds…
Starts well but when the game loading gets to certain point ( i guess when the operations are heavier or more cpu consuming) the bar gets frozen and the coroutine doesnt seem to respond anymore.
I’m guessing is because all this loading operations are synchronous? If so, is my only option to change them to async? maybe running all of them inside a coroutine? that would mean to change a lot of scripts.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I will set different key points while im loading to at least make it move even if its not smooth.
The problem are not the assets, the problem is me generating and populating the map.
Anyway thanks a lot!