ProgressBar is not empty, when lowValue equals value


With these settings progress bar is not empty, but is should be, cause lowValue = value.
Or I am wrong, and this is an intendent behaviour?
Thanks in advance!

What happens if you set either Low Value or Value or both to 0?

It should set the progress bar to “empty” with your current settings, this could be a bug (or it is documented incorrectly). You should report this via Help - Report a Bug.

Hello! The low value just acts as a constraint to the “Value” property, but 0 will still be the lowest the progress bar can actually go.


Thank you, it’s kinda strange for me, but ok)

I’ll report this as a doc bug then, because it says:

You can set a lower and upper value for the ProgressBar. The ProgressBar’s current value is constrained within these bounds. If you set the value of the ProgressBar equal to the lower value, the bar is at the start. If you set the value of the ProgressBar equal to the upper value, the bar is at the end.

The “start” and “end” would seem to refer to the leftmost and rightmost positions of the bar.