Progressive download of general files

The WWW class defines a bytes property that, according to the docs, remains empty until the full file is downloaded. I need a way to progressively download fairly large files (whose format supports progressive download) that are not video or audio files.
Is it feasible to alter the WWW class to pass back the bytes that have been downloaded rather than passing back nothing during download? Understood that this would require a code change and would not be available until the next version, but a simple change?


This is a Wish List item and you’ve posted it there, no need to cross- or double-post it here as well. :slight_smile:

Reference: Wish List: General progressive file download

I don’t see how you’d change the build in WWW class. You’d have to create your own HTTP downloader using sockets which are available through .net.

Good call Emil, you may in fact be able to hand-roll your own via .NET sockets. I took the initial post as a request for us to add it (given the text near the end and the presence of the same post in the Wish List area).

Sorry for the double post. Realized late that this was better treated as a wish list item.

Rolling a solution via sockets would probably be usable, but as a last resort as you then have a bunch of security issues to deal with. Would much prefer a route that plumbs into the current HTTP request framework that Unity already supports. With support of progressive download for both video and audio already in place, this seems a pretty natural extension. :wink: