Mismatched serialization in the builtin class ‘Mesh’. (Read 183360 bytes but expected 183361 bytes)
I get this error message after opening(convert) my 4.2 project to 4.3 unfortunately. I can start the game within the editor and I am able to compile. But my build has reaal performance issues now…half the framerate in comparison to the 4.2 build.
Do I need to ignore this error message until a next unity version? What can I do to solve this?
I get this as well, cant load any of my projects into 4.3 without a load of those errors, and then everything seems to go wrong, just makes 4.3 impossible for me to use, hopefully someone from Unity will come along with a fix.
Back up the entire project folder hierarchy. Then delete the Library folder. Then open the project in 4.3. If it all goes spectacularly wrong, blow away the new folder hierarchy, restore your backup and we can think some more.
Graham, is this a bug in Unity then? Will it be fixed quickly, will try your suggestions but it seems very iffy to me, I am getting all sorts other errors and stuff is positioned all wrong, it really doesn’t inspire much confidence in switching over if we have to back up and delete folders etc.
Thanks for the suggestion Graham. I have tried as you suggested (close unity, backup project folder, delete project\library folder, open unity and wait for it to rebuild the library folder).
I still get the same mesh error message and still have positioning issues - my project uses the Army of Skeletons asset pack and the sword and shield objects that are held in either hand by the Skeleton Footman model are no longer positioned correctly (this is not set by script, but by animation as I understand).
EDIT: The sword/shield positioning issues go away if I disable the animator component on the Skeleton Footman, so it appears the bug is in that component or the Mecanim updates.
I managed to fix the affected animations by unselecting then reselecting the corresponding bones (for sword and shield mount) in the animation mask transform settings, then applying the settings (for each animation). It seems simply toggling something there and clicking Apply fixed whatever the issue was.
Still have the mesh errors on project load.
EDIT: Mesh errors are related to something that’s happening in the scenes I’ve used from the Autumnal Nature Pack asset pack.
i’m getting this as well. don’t know the full ramifications yet, am able to build the game still, haven’t fully tested it so don’t know if there’s anything bad beyond the message stemming from this. seems bad though.
I did what Graham suggested. It did not help, still same errors. I have to ignore them for now?!
Even with unity version 4.3.1 I have some framerate losses in my main project windows-builts,
my 4.2 built has 68 fps and the 4.3.1 built only 60 fps, more than 10% less fps grrrrrr. Atleast not 30 fps like the 4.3 built oO! this is not funny but I laugh, any more ideas about the mesh errors? plz help when you can think of anything helpfull.
:sad:I also found this problem. Tried what Graham suggested without success. Hope Unity will do something on this because it is quite annoying…Especially for a large project. I learnt not to update while developing…
Getting the same issue here with 4.3.1. I’ve also tried Graham’s suggestion but it didn’t help - still getting these messages and the drop in frame rate.
I was getting this same error (Mismatched serialization in the builtin class ‘Mesh’) after importing an old (3.5) project into Unity 4.3. I solved the problem in my scene by re-building all of the Unity Tree prefabs that were in the scene. I selected each tree prefab and hit the Recompute Tree button in the lower-left of the tree tool node window. Doesn’t really make any sense to me but it worked. o.O I clued into it because the number of errors matched the number of tree prefabs that were used in my scene. Just thought I’d share in case the same solution might work for someone else.
I get the same error messages opening a old project of mine (summer 2012) in Unity 4.3. The prefabs and all that are still there, but the connection to the meshes are gone (“missing”) in Mesh Renderer component. I can then reconnect the Mesh piece, but that’s tedious given the number of prefabs.
Furthermore, all materials have lost their shader as long as it is custom. Materials using Unity’s standard Diffuse shader are still there. Reconnecting meshes to prefabs might be tedious, but is still doable since I had used a good naming convention. In contrast, reconnecting shaders to materials (and therefore textures to shaders) is near impossible …
Deleting and rebuilding the Library folder did nothing. Is there a fix for this?