"Project and system paths are visible after receiving an exception in the Cloud Analytics Dashboard.

Hi Just found out a little bit concerning issue.

I have published apk on google store and as everyone getting some exceptions/crash reports in Unity Analytics dashboard.
Nothing strange until we found that some of the reports include personal device information(PC where project is built on) as project relative full path like

"file_name": "/Volumes/Data/P4V/companyname/projectname/Library/Bee/artifacts/Android/il2cppOutput/cpp/Assembly-CSharp__2.cpp"

Have talked with Support and they could not understand whats is happening.
One thing that i also checked is that reports are starting with this format :

UnityException: Transform child out of bounds
(unknown) (at /Volumes/Data/P4V/companyname/projectname/Assets/Scripts/Helper/GearSwitcher.cs:23)

Maybe someone also had same issue or can somehow point what is happening.

Thanks in advance !