project broken after connecting project to Dashboard!

Hello Community,

I am getting an error when i open my project after connecting my project to the dashboard through unity hub.

this is the error warning:
warning CS2029: Invalid name for a preprocessing symbol; ‘>-’ is not a valid identifier
error CS2001: Source file ‘C:\Unity Projects\2drpgsecond\UNITY_POST_PROCESSING_STACK_V2’ could not be found.

after double clicking the error nothing happends. i’d expect a script to popup or somesort

I had version control control setup, but now its just gone. i don’t see it on my tab or even in window tab.

Disconnecting from the dashboard doesn’t seem to do anything either
What the heck is happening?


I’ve successfully recovered the project by deleting the project folder and downloading it again from version control through the hub.
It is connected to the dashboard too!
For some reason this time it launch without problems.
Gave me quite a scare since i had to completely start from scratch after i upgraded my last project from built-in to urp(scripts werent working as intended). and i didnt use version control yet on that project yikes.

Wow, you got lucky. Don’t live like that. Heart attack city!


I’m sorry you’ve had this issue. Please consider using proper industrial-grade enterprise-qualified source control in order to guard and protect your hard-earned work.

Personally I use git (completely outside of Unity) because it is free and there are tons of tutorials out there to help you set it up as well as free places to host your repo (BitBucket, Github, Gitlab, etc.).

You can also push git repositories to other drives: thumb drives, USB drives, network drives, etc., effectively putting a complete copy of the repository there.

As far as configuring Unity to play nice with git, keep this in mind:

I usually make a separate repository for each game, but I have some repositories with a bunch of smaller test games.

Here is how I use git in one of my games, Jetpack Kurt:

Using fine-grained source control as you work to refine your engineering:

Share/Sharing source code between projects:

Setting up an appropriate .gitignore file for Unity3D:

Generally the ONLY folders you should ever source control are:


NEVER source control Library/ or Temp/ or Logs/
NEVER source control anything from Visual Studio (.vs, .csproj, none of that noise)

Setting git up with Unity (includes above .gitignore concepts):

It is only simple economics that you must expend as much effort into backing it up as you feel the work is worth in the first place. Digital storage is so unbelievably cheap today that you can buy gigabytes of flash drive storage for about the price of a cup of coffee. It’s simply ridiculous not to back up.

If you plan on joining the software industry, you will be required and expected to know how to use source control.

Source control does require learning, but there are TONS of tutorials and courses and online reference.

You should strive to use source control as well as you use your file/folder system.

“Use source control or you will be really sad sooner or later.” - StarManta on the Unity3D forum boards

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Hey guys, i have the same problem:
“Error CS1504: Source file ‘C:.….….…>-’ could not be opened”. Any Ideas, what’s going on and how to fix it?

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the whole error:

warning CS2029: Invalid name for a preporcessing symbol; ‘>-’ is not a valid identifier.
error CS1504: Source file 'C:\User.….….…>- could not be opened – Die Syntax für den Dateinamen, Verzeichnisnamen oder die Datenträgerbezeichnung ist falsch. : ‘C.….…>-’
error CS2001: Source file ‘C:.….….…\UNITY_POST_PROCESSING_STACK_V2’ could not be found.

Same thing happened. Just ignore and open project as normal - it’ll compile and the error will disappear.

This didn’t go away for me. i couldn’t press play or compile due to the error. the whole project was just broken.

Was this also happening because you connected your project to dashboard?

You might not want to delete your project if you don’t have version control or any backup from git etc.

The way i fixed it was to delete the whole project and download previous project version out of my version control

deleting the Project Settings folder will help

Something similar to this happened to me aswell after upgrading from 2020.3.26f1 to 2020.3.48f1, except theres two errors.


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This is stupid. I have the same issue out of nowhere in 2020.3.48f1 and no clue how to fix it. What the hell is this?

Seem to have fixed it for my case. Had to delete my projectsettings.asset in the Project Settings folder, disconnect the project from Unity Cloud from the hub, then launch it. This would give a bunch of different errors, but the above errors would disappear. Meaning there’s something wrong with the Project Settings and connecting to Unity Cloud. But the game (esp lighting and textures) looked weird in this. I then copied over the projectsettings.asset from an older backup of mine (too old to rollback to fully, but project settings would be the same) At some point I was able to reconnect to Unity Cloud as well, but I don’t remember which point exactly. Everything now works and looks fine.


Project Settings->Player->Script Compilation->Scripting Define Symbols, delete the “>-” in the first line by pressing the del key, and click Apply to fix the problem.

Inspection of the ProjectSettings.asset shows other strange behavior besides this bug, such as the binary digit value being rewritten to a float in one item.
This situation seems to occur only when the cloud connection is disconnected via UnityHub.
If you go to Project Settings->Services, click on “Unlink project” and disconnect the Cloud connection, the problem will not occur.


I had the same problem, with a slightly different error code. I just took the Assets folder of my currently broken Project and the ProjectSettings and Packages from an older version and put them into a new folder and that worked for me.

Thank you! This solved my issue! I can’t believe such a bug got past Unity. Thought my project was a goner for a hot minute there…

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How do you ReDowload the project from the hub? I have the same issue, all my work gone

Try This;

  1. Go to Project Settings>Player>Scripting Define Symbols;
  2. Remove >- (if There) and UNITY_POST_PROCESING_STACK_V2 (if There);
  3. Add UNITY_POST_PROCESSING_STACK_V2 again. The Project Will Rebuild.
    You don’t need to redownload the project or anything!
    Back to normal.(for me.)
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Happened here too. I connected it. Then launched it, and boom.
warning CS2029: Invalid name for a preprocessing symbol; ‘>-’ is not a valid identifier

In my case there were no symbols present what so ever. Meaning it was impossible to remove ">-’ and thusly correct it.
2021.3.32f unity
3.6.1 hub

Like the others i have to delete my Project Settings folder to fix it

steps required:
Unlink from Unity Services
Manually delete ProjectSettings Folder

Problem solved after relaunch and reimport…
question remains where this annoying >- exists. Perhaps its just erroneously writing a faulty xml or json file??

For the rest of you, you NEED to post your unity version or nothing will be investigated

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