G’day all.
I’ll start with the TL;DR incase anyone has dealt with this before:
When I’m in a scene, adding prefabs to it, or removing prefabs, my computer freezes, and still sometimes Blue Screens, or just require me to hard reset it, as everything locks up (Audio, Display + Inputs).
Long version:
Turns out I shouldn’t be trusting the Q-Code. (Turns out, it monitors Temps… just a coincidence that I got a Blue Screen Memory Error )
However, I did have 1 bluescreen refer to memory (I can’t remember the specific stop code for it), every other crash was Stop_Watch (or whatever it is)
I am at a loss of what to do.
I have tried everything under the sun, and I really, REALLY don’t want to format my PC, unless it is the absolute last option.
As for any other possible questions for troubleshooting:
Is it just this Project doing it: So far, yes. Previously I had it crash in blender once, but aside form that, and since the new RAM, it has crashed entirely though adding Prefabs and now, removing prefabs.
Anything else in the project that may be corrupted: No, there isn’t any corrupted files. I once crashed and my Unity project lost refence to all it’s own files, after deleting the Library folder, and waiting a couple of hours, it managed to reopen the project.
Current RAM and Motherboard + Ram Speeds: Mobo: Asus Strix z790-e gaming, RAM: Cosiar Vengence 4x32GB (Can’t remember the exact code, but it’s the only supported Cosair brand in 126 configuration for my motherboard) Ram speeds were XMP 2.0 5300MHz (auto set on install), I am currently on Auto (4800MHz) and have had 1 crash.
Are drivers up to date: Yes, drivers are all up to date, including my BIOS.
What version of Unity are you running: 2022.3.20f1 (3D, URP)
Are you using any external tools in your project: No, I have imported a lot of assets, I did have Odin Inspector, but I have removed it long ago.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I would buy you a virtual beer if any suggestions or help lead to fixing this issue.